Sigma Omega Nu Latina Interest Sorority, Inc.
Gamma Chapter

Message From Our President
My name is Sasha Zepeda and I go by she/her/ella pronouns! I am currently a second year majoring in Sociology and am pursuing a double minor in Applied Psychology and Education. I now hold the proud position of President, as well as Co-Commissioner of Cultura and Sisterhood Chair for Sigma Omega Nu Latina Interest Sorority Inc. I originally joined this organization so I can find people that look like me and relate to me culturally in this large institution that wasn’t built for people like me. After being in this organization for a little over a year now, I can truly say that I have gotten that from the Sunnies but I have also received so much more. My sisters (past and present) uplift me in so many ways but also challenge me and help me grow into the woman I am now. I knew I wanted to be President at some point during my college career but when the opportunity presented itself, I was really nervous and doubtful. But without the support and encouragement of my sisters, I would have never gone for the position of President but I am grateful that I have because it has taught me so much as a leader, friend, and hermana.
Sigma Omega Nu, Latina Interest Sorority, Inc. was established on November 6, 1996, at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. We are also known as the Sunnies and we are represented by the colors black, burgundy, and gold. The Founding Mothers of our sorority sought to create a strong Latina voice and presence on campus by fostering a community based on the three objectives of Academics, Cultura, and Sisterhood. The purpose of Sigma Omega Nu is to create sisterhood, scholastic excellence, self-improvement, Latino/a awareness, and to provide community service. We were established at UCSB on March 22, 2002. Though we are a Latina Interest Sorority, we welcome and embrace members across cultural, ethnic, religious, political, socioeconomic, and sexual orientation spectrums.
Since 1996 though, Sigma Omega Nu has grown and expanded all over California and even out of state to states such as Nevada, Colorado, etc. which now make up about 16 chapters!

A unique feature of Sigma Omega Nu is that each chapter selects a philanthropy that allows them to help their unique communities. Our philanthropy is with the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation. TBCF is a non-profit organization that supports families living in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties who have a child with cancer by providing financial, educational, and emotional support. Any person who wants to volunteer can contact TBCF directly or can ask any sister of Sigma Omega Nu, TBCF is always looking for more people to help.
Other Information
Our alumni, Natalie Gonzalez who works in the financial aid office, was recognized with the Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Award, for demonstrating a commitment to the overall growth of students.
10 hours of community service per quarter
Nickname: Sunnies
Symbol: The Sun
Colors: Black, Burgundy, and Gold
Quarterly GPA:
Minimum Quarterly GPA: 2.3
Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.5
Costs: Dues vary from class to class (depending on materials used during pledgeship), but costs should never hold you back from joining. We will always work one-on-one if a financial plan is needed.
We have scholarships sisters can apply to every year. They include academic, sisterhood, and leadership scholarships that are given during our National Conference over the summer.
INSTAGRAM: @sbsunnies
TWITTER: @sbsunnies